Sunday, May 13, 2012

There are moms - and dads- who fill in the blanks in life - the ones who take you in when your regular parents are away. The ones who patiently wait in the school parking lot to pick you up with their kids and drive you home after glee club practice. The ones who tell you your parents really do love you when your parents are mad about something or other you've done. These are moms who notice you need a new dress, or maybe a cookie, when your folks are too overwhelmed. They let you watch how to cook okra and tomatoes, or let you help with tamales, or they make you a baloney sandwich, or fry donuts just because you are present in their home. And when you've grown, and are caring for your mom or dad in ill health, they show up here and there with bits of comfort and calm.

Thank you so much, you are not forgotten - and Happy Mother's Day.

1 comment:

  1. Everytime I see the intense blue shading to violet I am pleased. So much so it wasn't until I visited the photo the 2nd (of 4 times so far) time that I noticed the other elements of the photo.
