Thursday, November 01, 2012

Someone was writing a piece of science fiction about how kids started the apocalypse.

Very smart kids with computers, a lot of time on their hands, and little parenting. The world outside the house was just another video game. They created various online identities, hacked a handful of businesses, banks and organizations and soon had contracts out, phony businesses milking real businesses with similar names, and unlimited electronic money flowing left and right. Highways and subdivisions were built and they electronically created real and magnificent monopolies.

Once they discovered the huge effects of their actions away from their computer screens - from farming to airports to national parks to military weaponry to schools and universities and especially to animals and trees, they were shocked. 'We didn't mean any harm.'

They wanted to make amends, indeed, perhaps they were the only ones who could slow down their own Machine. But how to get those in power to let them, now brilliant young adults, back in to make reparation?

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