Monday, September 03, 2012

walking to the store
under the hot

in the wet heaviness
of tropical air

the neighborhood
was sweating

as it went to play
and mow the lawns

I walked and gazed up
at the networks of

the sky the power
lines and down

at St Augustine
grass and strange

fungal mats
and tiny tiny ants

in a hibiscus bloom.
I walked on paved streets

and sidewalks littered
with twigs and

watched for cars
and rumbling trucks

with thumping trailers
and I looked in the tall

flowers against the tree
branch backdrop

and saw the neighborhood
of perception

of mind
interplay with

the lens of
my camera

of notmatter

of my mind greets

yours and yours
in the stillshot

of jungle

leaves, flowers
thought, light

and shadow.

(or something like that...)

Lafayette, Louisiana, 9-3-12

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