in the land of make-believe, there were creatures of many shapes and sizes. There were those so very huge, so very gargantuan, that we could not see them at first. What we were looking at was perhaps a lower lip, the size of a stand of trees. There were some that were so very small we did not know of their existence until we happened to blow up a photograph and saw that the enlargements had funny tiny cartoon beings in the crevices. Some were not visible to us at all, and only happened to be discovered when certain filters were on our cameras. Some birds, bugs and beings moved at such high speeds (inhabiting a layer where time moved faster) they were only a flicker in our vision. Some moved so very slowly, we didn't know they were alive. Some communicated in our own languages, others in language that sounded vague yet familiar, like puppies whining. Some communicated in ways that we did not notice at first, and only in time did we learn to recognize their signs - thought and emotional patterns - passing through our minds.
The largest were not necessarily the most powerful. Some were little more than great pools of tranquility. The smaller were sometimes the most influential on our activities, like mosquitos might be, or tiny Winston Churchills.
All of these beings, these residents, were interconnected with us and with each other, occupying or shoving or loving or hating or sleeping within the same or intersecting realms, whether we knew they were there or not.
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