Maybe everything is connected. Everybody's related.
With our eyes, we see.
With our ears, we hear.
With our noses, we smell.
With our tongues, we taste.
With our skins, we touch.
With our guts, we feel.
So much info we receive!
If we were flies, we'd see more. We'd see differently.
If we were hummingbirds, we'd see ultraviolet patterns in the flowers around us. Ultraviolet patterns exist. Our human eyes just can't see them without assistance from cameras and filters.
If we were dogs or cats, our noses would tell us about the neighbor who just patted our heads. We'd smell where she just came from, what she ate for lunch, who she shook hands with yesterday. We would know that she'd been on the same street where our sister lives, that she had the exact same kind of taco we had for breakfast, only with cheese, that she shook hands with our father's barber who happens to drive a car that was maintained this morning by our nephew.
We do perceive hints of that connection, that oneness. Human bodies perhaps just aren't designed with a mechanism, a sensitive enough nose or gut, to perceive it with clarity. We respond blindly to the vibrations a mouse, stone, river, or feather sends out. We are largely unaware of the waves we make and receive, the magnetism among us.
But just because a dog is color blind, doesn't mean colors don't exist, right?
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